Dominica Yacht Services, viagra canada here our sister company, cure operates as one of the island’s
dedicated yacht fuel bunkering providers and can bunker your yacht either
from their own dedicated dock in Roseau, unhealthy Newtown, or for larger yachts, at
the commercial port in Roseau or alternatively the cruise ship dock at
Portsmouth. Fueling rates are at 250 litres a minute at high flow and can
accommodate most larger yachts. Other facilities are as follows:

1. The Roseau, Newtown ‘Marina’ jetty, operated by Dominica Marine Centre,
is located south of the main cruise ship dock in Roseau and boats can back
down ‘stern to’ the dock in 12-16 ft of depth and take fuel through West
Indies Oil Company. Delivery rates are up to 120 litres a minute and the
fuel prices are very competitive. Water, ice, garbage, propane refills and a
duty free chandlery are also available onsite. Cash or Visa/Master Card are
accepted for fuel purchases with a 3% credit card usage fee.

2. Portsmouth Cruise Ship dock: This facility has deep water approaches and
very adequate depths at the dock itself, can offer duty free fuel bunkering
through the West Indies Oil Company at very competitive rates. All sizes of
yacht may find it a useful facility here, where you can also fill your water
tanks with good quality Dominican water (This facility becomes unavailable
when visiting cruise ships are in port)

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. Advance booking for fuel bunkering
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